Sunday, May 9, 2010

HADASSAH is who i am.....


Hadassah is the original way of say ester.

She is a woman who seeks God and is known for her views on not dating as a teen. And she only has these views because she doesn’t want to get hurt, She put others before her and loves her family very much even when it’s hard to tell. She volunteers with i kids loves them so very much. And wishes that she could improve their situations. When she goes to kids club with them the kids always play with her hair and ask her to wear bright nail polish and put up her hair so they can see her pretty face. Even little kids can tell of her beauty. The beauty she doesn’t believe she but believe every one else glows of.

She views herself as damaged goods broken because of the things she’s done to herself. Although she loves to hear her friends say she’s pretty and strong and good. She never shows it....every night she cries and doesn’t know why but her friends do they know that it’s because she doesn’t let herself be loved and she wants to be so bad. She wants someone to protect her so she can stop having to be strong. She wishes every day that someone would save her from her self. she is stronger then she knows.

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