Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Working at camp.

so it's a few days till camp starts were in training and already God has taught me so much! He showed me how to worship with out caring how others think of me. and to be able to forgive my mom for every thing that we've been angry about. and at like midnight I called my mom to say sorry for 7 years of pure war! I'vee been such a brat! at first it was just my fault I was always wanting to go and argue.... eventually my parents got so used to it that that's all they expected so when I would try so hard not to be a brat they would expect me to so I would... from then on we just kept egging each other on. never forgiving or giving an inch of ground.  I know that by the time I get home in 2 months I'll be a stronger christian and an all together person... but I also know that when I hear my parents talking about how THEY turned me around I'll want to go back to being the same brat I was. but it's not about what my parents think or even what my parents friends think. it's my victory. mine and Gods.

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