Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Birthday week...movin?

Birthday week has turned into an interesting turn of events....les first bought me tickets to mama mia dinner theater and concert tickets that was Sunday then today he picked me up and told me we were going some were fancy....we went to a&w :P well he said we were going to the finniest dinning in Winnipeg... any ways earlier that day he told me that his parents called and had something to say. Turns out they want me to move in with them....in dauphin.....which is 4 and a half hours away! I love his parents and if they lived in Winnipeg there would be no hesitation.... but 4 hours away from friends from les....from my family....that so far.... Les and his mom both think that my parents don’t take good enough care of me... I think I made my family sound really bad....there really not that bad I mean do they notice when I’m sick no but I get what I need....sorta.... I don’t know....maybe I should move but I don’t want to I finally found a church family I love and feel loved by... and les... and winona William and Austin.... I mean I have friends but were really not that close... I don’t know what to do.... I think I should stay in Winnipeg...  but  I would love to escape my parents like I’ve dreamed of for so long... and I do  love small towns...and his parents are amazing! And it would probably do les and I some good to spend some time apart considering were getting a little to comfortable...like today we took a nap and he was only in his boxers...and I didn’t have a problem with it. I should have but I didn’t. I think I’ll stay in Winnipeg and after Christmas move into my own apartment.... tomorrow his mom is calling to talk me into it... I want to give in so bad... but I can’t I shouldn’t grr...  if only they lived in Winnipeg!

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