She wakes up bloody and bruised.
Her head still pounding...
She looks around the bare apartment.
She struggles to stand glass cutting her as she does.
It all slowly comes back to her.
The fight the screaming the anger.
Last night she prettied herself up.
She did everything she could to hide the scars.
She stared at herself in the mirror.
She studied herself in the mirror.
She looked at her face with the up turned nose
She looked at her legs with too much fat.
She looked at her eyes that were the wrong color.
She looked at her arms cover with cuts.
Cuts to remind her of all the times she felt ugly.
All the times she felt upset.
All the times the only way her pain made since was to make it real pain.
Real pain. Real bleeding. Real hurt.
wow... what exactly inspired this what story of your past? what made you feel this way?
a argument turned really bad with my family...I started throwing things and so did they...I was pretty bruised and to make it worse I went into my room and started cutting again. it makes me stop crying I hate crying so that's what I felt I needed to do. and every time I see the scars on my body it reminds me of the different times I felt ugly and upset....
but I know God gives me grace and love and forgiveness now I'm whole.
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